02 Historische Daten über die Entwicklung der Familie Tian im Qi-Staat während der S-n-A-Periode im alten China
中文历史文献:春秋时期齐国田氏(陈氏)家族发展史料 包括:原始史料,综述论文,其它散落记录。
中文历史文献:春秋时期齐国田氏(陈氏)家族发展史料 包括:原始史料,综述论文,其它散落记录。
The Bifurcation Point and Major Events about the Pan-German Nation and the Modern German Nation
The background reference about “The Great Charter “
Historical references about Oliver Cromell
Historical references about Jeanne d’Arc / Joan of Arc
The developement history on national attributes in Europe and the key events related
When the European ordinary people involved themselves into European development history, and key events about them.
Culture, history, and blood ties related to Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian peoples
Important nodes and bifurcation points in the history of national development on Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
Evolution history and development history about national attributes on Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. When the national attributes forks into three branches over the pan-Russia states? When a style of Ukrainian nationality starts / notes/ marks/? What typical or key events promted this process? How a style of Belarus nationality starts/ marks? What kind of key …
中文历史文献:明朝改土归流史料 包括各类县志,州志记录;军事行动史料;官员叙事;等。
仅限中文文献:春秋时晋国客卿发展史料: 关注重点: 重耳出逃背景 晋国君排斥王室公卿的背景 客卿壮大史料 导致王室衰败的重大事件及相应的指标性事件 僅限中文文獻:春秋時晉國客卿發展史料: 關注重點: 重耳出逃背景 晉國君排斥王室公卿的背景 客卿壯大史料 導致王室衰敗的重大事件及相應的指標性事件